School Governors
The Board of Lighthouse Schools Partnership is the legal Governing Body for all its schools, but in practice some or most functions are delegated to a Local Board of Governors. This is dependent on the Ofsted category of the school, coupled with whether the school has a new and experienced Principal.
Local Board members (or governors) are responsible for policy and strategy. The Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school and making sure the policy and strategy agreed by the Local Board is followed. The Local Board has a large number of legal responsibilities, including:
- Making sure the National Curriculum is properly delivered
- Arranging for religious education to be carried out
- Deciding how to spend the delegated budget
- Approving the many different school policies, such as those referring to discipline and behaviour and health and safety
If you would like to contact the governors, please use the emails below or alternatively phone the school or come into the office.
Chair of Governors -
Vice Chair of Governors -
Helen Diles | After teaching Science and Maths in a number of sceondary schools around Bristol. I enjoyed an interesting and varied career in education, working as an adviser, deputy headteacher, leadership consultant, and finally University lecturer. I retired from UWE in 2021 and spend my time attending gym classes, learning Italian and competing in ballroom dancing. As a committed Christian, I am delighted to serve Easton CE Primary as chair of governors. |
Celia Morgan | Being born and raised in Bristol, starting in Fishponds before moving to Yate. I went on to study teacher training at Manchester before teaching Primary aged children in London, Oxford, and then finally Thornbury. Having retired a few years back, I spend my time working for Easton CE Primary, my local church, and my two grandsons who are a delight! Most of the time! |
Seb Grzimek | I spent my childhood living in Bristol and then went to High school in Berlin, Germany. I now live in Easton with my wife and two daughters. I enjoy going for walks in Oldbury Court, Snuff Mills, and the countryside, with my family and our dog Hugo. I work as a mentor for children and young people, with a focus on nature connection and promoting an active and playful lifestyle. |
Peter Gane | I Joined Easton CE Primary at the end of 2023 as a Community Governor. I have almost 40 years of experience across a variety of industries in scientific and senior leadership roles. I left the world of full-time work in April 2023 to take up voluntary opportunities and for personal development. I love all aspects of arts and have recently discovered the joys , and challenges, of singing and playing guitar. |
Andrea Griffiths | I am a Learning Mentor and a Trauma Informed Practitioner at Easton. I work in the Inclusion Team helping to give children skills and resilience to be able to cope with difficult situations that may arise in and out of the classroom. I run proactive groups and mentor sessions to help the children get a better understanding of what they are capable of and how they can achieve their goals. |
Suad Aden | Parent Member |
Gail Butt | Foundation Member -
I am a lawyer working in private practice to enable people to learn in groups and individually. I am hoping to support those in school. |
Georgena Barnard | Clerk |
School Council Terms of Office and Declaration of Interests – see below
Local Board Attendance Log for – see below