Our Trust

Welcome from the Trust

Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust (DBAT)

In 2016 the school converted to become an Academy and is now part of DBAT (The Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust).  For more information about DBAT, please refer to their website: https://www.dbat.org.uk/


Statutory information about DBAT, including Financial Statements, Annual Reports, Articles of Association, Funding Agreements and the Scheme of Delegation can be found here: Statutory Information, DBAT

Information about DBAT Directors can be found here: Trust Directors, DBAT

The Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust. Company  No. 8156759

Kingfisher CE Academy, Peglars Way, Swindon, SN1 7DA.  01793 236611


Company Number: 8156759

About DBAT

The Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust (DBAT) was founded in 2012, enabling the Diocese of Bristol’s Board of Education to sponsor academies. It currently sponsors 11 primary academies and 1 secondary academy.

At the Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust, our academies work together in the same way that a family works together, sharing good ideas and resources with everyone’s best interest at heart. Everyone on our team – including staff, teachers and governors – makes sure every child knows that they will be supported and challenged to achieve their very best. We will work quickly to get results and we won’t waste time – we know that children only get one chance at their education and we are committed to making every lesson count. Our goal is to make the academy ‘Outstanding’ as soon as possible.

We believe in offering a Christian education which is accessible to children of all faiths and none.  Our pupils and staff should have the very best in their teaching, learning, leadership, management and safety.  All our academies and schools share experiences and skills to make sure that everyone learns from each other constantly and that pupils and staff all benefit from each other and we look forward to including Easton in our family.

DBAT’s core purposes are to:

  • Focus on improving the educational experiences, employment prospects and life chances of young people, especially those from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds.
  • Demonstrate that children’s life-chances are improved when their formal education is within the context of an academy that is founded in the Christian tradition, establishes an ethos that is distinctively Christian and embraces the very best practices in teaching, learning, leadership, management and safety.
  • Accelerate students’ levels of attainment and achievement, and raises student, teacher and parental aspirations and ambitions.
  • Help to create more cohesive communities enhancing opportunities for social mobility by striving to eliminate the attainment gap between students from disadvantaged backgrounds and young people who by circumstances of birth and inheritance take for granted their automatic right to a good education.
  • Transform the overall performance of underperforming schools in deprived areas, helping to improve and innovate in all aspects of teaching, learning and leadership and promoting the development of future leaders.

To find out further information about the Trust, please click the following links to view our policies or our business information, Annual Reports & Accounts.


For further information regarding the governance of DBAT please click here

Business Stationery requirements

DBAT - Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust

The Kingfisher CE Academy
Peglars Way

01793 236611
8156759 - Company Number

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions

Important -  there is very limited parking on site. If you are visiting please request a parking space before arriving. If none available please park safely on local roads; Stapleton Road and other nearby roads/streets are for permit holders only or pay at a meter.


  • Beaufort Street, Easton, Bristol BS5 0SQ

Telephone Number