'Being different. Belonging together'
Our Bible verse is:
‘Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.’ (Micah 6 verse 8)
This means be fair, be kind, listen to God and other people.
Our Calm School Code helps us know how to behave well.
Our learning characteristics help us develop:
Critical thinking, Teamwork, Resilience, Creativity
Each term we have a value of the term. These help us learn to be a community.
Our Foundation
We are a church of England school within the Lighthouse Schools Partnership and are true to the Church of England's vision for education; 'being deeply Christian in its inspiration and healthily plural in its operation'.
We offer all our children and families a chance to experience 'life in all its fullness' by;
- Educating for wisdom, knowledge and skills
- Educating for hope and aspiration
- Educating for community and living well together
- Educating for dignity and respect