
Nursery Places

If you would like to apply for a place in our Nursery, you will need to apply directly at school.

We admit children from their 3rd birthday and offer 15 & 30 hour places with timetables to suit your circumstances.

Please pop into the school office to collect a form and register your interest


Reception Places

If your child is approaching their fourth birthday you may be thinking about enrolling them at Easton CE Primary. Every October and November we run a number of open events, during these events you will be able to view our provision, meet the Reception team and chat with our Headteacher. We will update this page with details of these events every September.

If you would like to apply for a Reception class place, you will need to apply through Bristol City Council. 


In Year Admissions

Should you wish your child to join Easton CE Primary part way through their school journey then please start by calling the school on 01173773070 to book an admissions appointment

We usually have tours of the school for prospective parents every Friday at 09:30 with the Head teacher.  If you would like to join one of these tours, please contact the school office to arrange a place



All applicants refused a place have a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel constituted and operated in accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code.  Appellants should contact Admissions at Bristol City Council (if part of LA Appeals process)] within 20 days of the date of the letter refusing your child a place at the Academy for information on how to appeal

Admissions Policies

Please click below to see the Admission Arrangements for the following academic years:

  • 2024-25 (current academic year)
  • 2025-26 (for those starting school from September 2025)

As a member of the Lighthouse Schools Partnership, Admission Arrangements for the 2026-27 Academic Year will be published on the LSP website in March 2025.

Admission Policies

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions

Important -  there is very limited parking on site. If you are visiting please request a parking space before arriving. If none available please park safely on local roads; Stapleton Road and other nearby roads/streets are for permit holders only or pay at a meter.


  • Beaufort Street, Easton, Bristol BS5 0SQ

Telephone Number