Design & Technology

Design & Technology at Easton

Curriculum Intent 

At Easton CE Academy, our intent for Design and Technology is to:

  • Offer children the chance to use creative thinking and design within a defined purpose and tangible outcome.
  • Through a variety of creative and practical activities, pupils are taught the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in a process of designing, making and evaluating. 
  • The study of Design and Technology enables pupils to acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on other subjects such as mathematics, science, computing and art.
  • Pupils learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens.
  • Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world.
  •  High-quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation.  


  • A clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum. Whilst the EYFS and the national curriculum forms the foundation of our curriculum we make sure that children learn additional skills, knowledge and understanding and enhance our curriculum as and when needed. 
  • Key skills and knowledge for D & T have been mapped across the school to ensure clear progression through the year groups. 
  • Key concepts and technical vocabulary are included in planning which follows the research, design, make, evaluate structure.  
  • Knowledge Organisers are used so children have access to key knowledge, vocabulary and meanings to understand Design and Technology and to use across the curriculum. 
  • Collaborative and independent learning to solve problems. 
  • Clear and appropriate cross curricular links to underpin learning in different areas of the curriculum giving children life skills and apply them to ‘hands on ‘situations in a purposeful context. 
  • Lessons will be taught as a block to allow time for children to be critical, inventive and reflective on their work.  
  • A range of skills will be taught ensuring that children are aware of health and safety issues related to the tasks undertaken. 
  • Lessons about nutrition are taught to ensure that children have a growing understanding of where food comes from, its seasonality and the need for a healthy and varied diet. 
  • Each class will prepare a range of healthy, varied and nutritious dishes  three times a year- for themselves, their family and for the community. 
  • After School Cooking Club provides further opportunity for children to extend and develop their knowledge and skills of cooking. 

Design & Technology Overview

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  • Beaufort Street, Easton, Bristol BS5 0SQ

Telephone Number