
Oracy Intent 

At Easton we believe that oracy skills are crucial to childrens’ success in school and in their life beyond. In the classroom context oracy is both learning to and through talk. It is through talk that students have the opportunity to develop and share their understanding, through interactions with both their teachers and their peers. We know that oracy increases confidence empowering pupils with the belief that their voice has value, developing the ability to articulate thoughts so others will listen. Our pupils’ oracy skills will enable them to build successful relationships, talk through issues, express feelings and resolve conflicts.  Through the teaching of oracy we will develop learners who are critical thinkers, can reason together and have the vocabulary to express their knowledge and understanding. 


Oracy Implementation 

At Easton we have worked alongside Voice21 to implement The Oracy Framework. Devised by Voice 21 and Oracy Cambridge, it provides a framework through which we can understand what constitutes good speaking and listening in different contexts. It breaks down the skills within oracy into four distinct but interlinked strands: Physical, Linguistic, Cognitive and Social & Emotional. Each strand is broken down further and skills are taught at an age appropriate level. 

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  • Beaufort Street, Easton, Bristol BS5 0SQ

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