
Reading at Easton

At Easton CE Academy we believe that all of our children should have access to high quality books and reading materials that will enable them to develop a life-long love of reading. We expect that children read and be read to daily at school and ask that our parents and carers support the children with reading regularly at home.

Our reading curriculum ensures that the children have a wide variety of opportunities to develop their reading skills through whole class, small group and one to one teaching sessions as well as daily shared reading for pleasure times. We incorporate an ‘author of the term’ focus into the curriculum as well as drawing on the ‘Pie Corbett Reading Spine’ to ensure the children have access to a wide range of authors and genres. All children are encouraged to borrow books from our school libraries.

Reading at home

To ensure that the children are practising their reading skills at an appropriate level the children are regularly assessed used PM Benchmarking and provided with books for home reading based on the ‘Reading Recovery Book Banded Levels’. Throughout the school these book banded books, drawn from a wide range of commercially published reading schemes, are available for children to read in school, and take home. The children are encouraged to change these books regularly and are expected to read each day at home. In addition, EYFS and KS1 the children also have access to ‘phonic readers’. These books give children the opportunity to apply their developing phonics decoding skills in their reading.

To find out more about Reading Spine click here


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  • Beaufort Street, Easton, Bristol BS5 0SQ

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