School Lunches

Children at Easton CE Academy can have a cooked meal or bring their own packed lunch.  School meals are cooked at school and served in the hall.

The menu is varied, with halal, traditional and vegetarian options.  The Kitchen staff also cater for those children with allergies and special dietary requirements.  The menu is usually changed termly and we send home a copy of it.

Meals for Reception, Year One and Year Two are free.  Meals for all other children cost £2.41 a day.  Money should be paid to the school office on a Monday, preferably in an envelope with your child's name, class, the amount enclosed and the days on which a school meal is required.  

Children who bring packed lunches should bring this in a box or durable bag clearly marked with their name and class.  Easton Academy promotes healthy eating so we ask that lunchboxes do not contain chocolate bars, sweets and sugary or fizzy drinks.

Many families are also entitled to Free School Meals for their children in year 3 to 6.  Please see our Free School Meals section or ask the school office to see if you qualify and how to apply.

As we have children with allergies, Easton Academy aims to be a NUT FREE SCHOOL - please do not send in any food that contains nuts of any kind.  Thank you.

Free School Meals

You are eligible for Free School Meals if your family receives:

  • Income Support
  • Jobseekers Allowance (Income based)
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Support under the Immigration and Asylum Act

To view a letter from Bristol Mayor explaining Pupil Premium see below

Please enquire at the school office for further information and support in claiming free school meals.

You can apply online directly to apply for Free School Meals - apply here

Pupil Premium

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions

Important -  there is very limited parking on site. If you are visiting please request a parking space before arriving. If none available please park safely on local roads; Stapleton Road and other nearby roads/streets are for permit holders only or pay at a meter.


  • Beaufort Street, Easton, Bristol BS5 0SQ

Telephone Number