Year Six

Welcome to Year 6  


Rosa Parks - 6RB

Carmen Beckford - 6JH


Working in Rosa Parks class is


Mr Beckett 


Working in Carmen Beckford class is

Ms Hatfield   


Mrs Harris     and Mr Varney  work across both classes



PE will be every Tuesday and every other Friday. It is essential that children come in the correct PE uniform on those days.

For PE, children have to wear

· Black or grey jogging bottoms or shorts

· A white t-shirt

· A school jumper

· Black trainers or daps


It is really important that children are reading regularly so the expectation in year 6 is that children will read at home 5 times a week. When you hear your child read, please write this in their reading record so we can celebrate their reading success with them.

Maths Homework

The children have a login for Timestables Rockstar in their reading diary. This is a game where the children can practice their times tables recall and speed. Please practice this at home as much as possible. The children also have a Mymaths login in their reading diary. Please login to practice key maths skills at home - links to websites are below

Timestable Rockstar



Year 6 residential

Pupils in year 6 have the opportunity to spend 3 days at The Summit Centre in the heart of the Welsh Valleys. Pupils spend their days taking part in a range of outdoor activites, many of which they have never experienced before. To see the activities on offer follow this link: Summit Centre

What we do in Year 6 each term

Year Six - Knowledge Organisers

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions

Important -  there is very limited parking on site. If you are visiting please request a parking space before arriving. If none available please park safely on local roads; Stapleton Road and other nearby roads/streets are for permit holders only or pay at a meter.


  • Beaufort Street, Easton, Bristol BS5 0SQ

Telephone Number